Hypnosis can create big changes in your life and works when everything else has failed. Hypnosis is a focused state of awareness and is always a willing state of mind. It allows you to choose what your subconscious mind thinks while resolving old thought patterns that currently control you. This allows you to take control in your life without spending years rehashing the same old things
Internal Triggers / Reactivity
Stress & Anxiety
Self Worth / Life Empowerment
Identifying & Stopping Destructive Patterns
Anger Management
Healing from Past Experiences / Trauma
Weight management Issues
This program helps you break free from the subconscious programming that is blocking you from having the love, life and empowerment you want and need to thrive! People are often taught to shrink down and become less in order to be accepted. What if I told you that you don’t have to do that AND not only can you take charge of your life but you can do it assertiveness and authenticity? It’s true, you can reframe old limiting beliefs to allow you to function with true self acceptance and confidence while creating the life you want!
Learn how to:
All of this and more while focusing on your specific struggles and addressing them with 5 customized hypnotherapy sessions followed by 7 weeks of customized and group coaching for implementation along with additional weekly training materials. This is a total of 12 weeks.
Total cost $3,000
Each partner will have 5 individual sessions of hypnotherapy to address their personal struggles. That is followed by 1 one-on-one couples coaching sessions to bring each person together as they implement a new way of loving
This program helps you break free from the subconscious programming that is blocking you from having the vulnerable, healthy, fulfilling connection with your partner that you want and need to thrive! This is specifically for couples and includes dealing with past wounds in order to allow for forward movement. It includes strategic processes to help you establish a new foundation full of trust, love, excitement, autonomy and togetherness. This is all about interdependence and the freedom to be yourself while accepting your partner within the safe boundaries of love and respect. You will learn how to communicate effectively and calmly as well as how to self-regulate your emotions so you don’t cause further damage.
Learn how to:
All of this and more while focusing on your specific struggles and addressing them with 5 customized hypnotherapy sessions for each person (totalling 10 hypnotherapy sessions) followed by 11 weeks of customized couples coaching.
Total cost $5,000
This provides you with personal coaching from Ketra on the following:
Total cost $500